Santa Ana, CA
Benefits Coordinator
Benefits Specialist
The Benefits Specialist will have the following responsibilities:
- Documenting client conversion call notes
- Setting up benefit plans in the system
- Updating annual renewal plans
- Processing participant changes for Slavic 401k
- Preparing benefits termination reports
- Managing Anthem EDI file
- Synchronizing COBRA for new clients
- Sending new hire benefit emails
- Providing information for Slavic 401k and FSA participants
- Assisting with Legal Shield enrollments and terms
- Handling My ID Care enrollments and terms
- Managing Nationwide deduction report enrollments and terms
- Handling parking and commuter FSA
- Processing life insurance EOIs
- Responding to general client inquiries
- Conducting the first payroll review for new client conversions
- Preparing plan and rate PDFs for new clients
- Creating worksheets for new client group plans and new hires
- Managing client group documents for new client groups and Slavic transition
This position is located in Santa Ana, CA.